to Momentum Assets

Alternative Fund
Momentum Assets

We are a leading investment and management company that invests in real estate, energy, and seeks lucrative opportunities in distressed assets. Momentum Assets always focuses on real asset-backed investments that offer long-term stability and growth potential. Our investment strategy protects capital against inflation and systematically generates returns that exceed the level of traditional investment-grade bonds. Thanks to minimal operating costs, we can deliver above-standard returns to investors.

Alternativní fond Momentum Assets
Alternativní fond Momentum Assets - Investice do nemovitostí

01   Real estate

Momentum Assets focuses on investments in development projects before they become bankable. We provide equity or hybrid capital to bridge financing for projects from the early stages of development to fully permitted and bankable projects. We draw on our banking knowledge and work closely with developers to secure senior debt financing.

02  Energy

Momentum Assets is a technology-agnostic investor in energy projects. Our expertise covers a wide range of energy assets, including renewable energy, gas, combined heat and power (CHP) generation, battery storage, and biogas and biomethane projects. We can provide capital for project development and also invest in operational assets.

Alternativní fond Momentum Assets - Investice do energetiky
Alternativní fond Momentum Assets - Investice do distress assets

03  Distressed Assets

The Momentum Assets team has significant expertise in investing in special situations such as distressed assets or non-performing loans. We leverage our banking, legal, and financial know-how to secure attractive returns in undercapitalized situations. By collaborating with debtors we seek solutions that they are no longer able to resolve on their own.

Partners Momentum Assets

Momentum Assets team is composed of experienced professionals in the fields of banking, real estate, energy, law, auditing, and tax consulting.

Alternativní fond Momentum Assets - Partner - Vedení akciové společnosti

Mgr. Robin Habáň


JUDr. Petr Dočekal


Alternativní fond Momentum Assets - Partner - Rudolf Architects

in Our Success

Momentum Assets provides opportunities for qualified investors to appreciate funds where risks are eliminated with quality collateral valued by our experts. Because of our long-standing relationships in the market, we have many investment opportunities to choose from. As a result, we are not forced to allocate capital at any cost to opportunities that do not meet our strict investment criteria. You can invest with us as an equity partner from a certain amount onwards or leave the allocation of funds entirely to us.

We will be happy to present the current projects we are working on. Just contact us.

Alternativní fond Momentum Assets - Zhodnocení prostředků
0 +
Real Estate
0 +

We are here for you

Get in touch with us by filling out the contact form at
or contact our sales team directly for current investment offers.

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